《中国居民财富报告》- 分析中国理财市场趋势 #生活技巧# #省钱技巧# #金融理财书籍#
Household energy consumption includes direct and indirect energy consumption, with indirect energy consumption usually higher than direct energy consumption. This paper's analysis indicates that indirect energy consumption of Chinese households is 2~3 times that of direct energy consumption. In the current context of rapid growth in economic development and energy consumption, it is critical to apply an energy-saving approach to analyze household changes in indirect energy consumption and the underlying reasons. Based on energy input-output tables, we constructed an SDA model for 1987~2002 and analyzed trends in indirect household energy consumption. The paper decomposes the increase in indirect energy consumption into five factors: gross consumption, consumption structure, urban-rural proportion of consumption, intermediate input-output coefficient, and direct energy consumption coefficient which captures advances in energy-saving technology. The results indicate that increasing gross consumption is the main reason for growth in indirect household energy consumption, as this factor has the highest contribution value and ratio. Gross consumption's contribution value is more than 100Mtce during both 1987~1992 and 1997~2002, meaning that with all other factors unchanged, the increase in gross consumption would cause an energy consumption increase of more than 100Mtce. At the same time, the consumption structure and urban-rural proportion of consumption also contribute to an increase in indirect household energy consumption. In response to industrialization and urbanization, the structure of consumption shifts from primarily food and clothing to durable commodities, and urban consumption is higher than rural. The other factor promoting growth in indirect energy consumption is the change in the intermediate input-output coefficient, which also has a positive contribution value and ratio, indicating that increases in the proportion of heavy industry also boost energy consumption. Energy-saving technology advancement is the only factor which causes a decline in indirect household energy consumption. For many industries, energy consumption per unit of production is decreasing. As China continues to undergo industrialization and urbanization, shifts in consumption patterns and evolution of industrial structure are important factors affecting energy consumption. We should encourage energy conservation measures and at the same time, adjust the industrial structure to shift from heavy industry to service industries.
生活能源消费 /直接 /间接 /投入产出 /结构分解分析{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Household energy consumption / Direct / Indirect / Input-output / Structural decomposition analysis{{custom_keyword}} /
李艳梅, 张雷.中国居民间接生活能源消费的结构分解分析[J]. 资源科学, 2008, 30(6): 890-895
LI Yan-mei, ZHANG Lei.Structural Decomposition Analysis of China's Indirect Household Energy Consumption[J]. Resources Science, 2008, 30(6): 890-895
我国生活用纸行业分析:市场规模呈快速增长趋势 消费结构不断优化