Bamboo Angle锅垫
锅具底部垫硅胶垫,防止热锅烫手。 #生活常识# #日常生活小窍门# #修理技巧# #厨房收纳小建议#
The project's starting point is to design a trivet that can be stowable, beautiful, different and stable. The metal structure of Bamboo Angle comes from bamboo natural state, bamboo shape with bamboo material reveal the unity of a product. Triangle is a solid structure, bamboo is a good way of deconstruction to it. Also using bamboo is friendly to environment. Detachable collection is not only easy for packaging and transport, but also saving the storage space of the user. Normally it can be hanged on the shelf.
网址:Bamboo Angle锅垫
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