
发布时间:2025-03-11 07:05

幸福心理学家研究生活中的小确幸对幸福感的影响 #生活乐趣# #心理健康乐趣# #幸福心理学研究#

摘要: 对中学生学习幸福感结构模型提出两种理论构想:由3维度组成的二阶模型1(M1)和4维度组成的二阶模型2(M2)。编制87个题项的测量量表对7818名中学生进行初测,经探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,依据心理测量原理修订成由58个题项构成的2015版中学生学习幸福感量表,用5646个被试数据对两种理论模型进行比较,结果表明M2更为理想。最终确定中学生学习幸福感的结构为由学习兴致与学习效能感构成的愉悦感,由学力优越感、学业乐观和求解欲构成的希望感,由积极关系构成的亲善感以及由喜新感和流畅感构成的沉浸感这8个一阶因子4个二阶维度组成的二阶结构模型。中学生学习幸福感量表具有较高的信度和效度。

关键词: 中学生, 学习幸福感, 测量, 量表

Abstract: Following the theories and extensive studies on the learning happiness of secondary school students both in China and other countries, and based on the survey among teachers and students through interviews and descriptive questionnaire, this study first defined the learning happiness of secondary school students as a passion and immersion experienced by students in fulfilling their learning tasks in schools, a sense of pride while learning and a sense of expectation as well as multi-level pleasure generated in the process. It then suggested two models of learning happiness of secondary school students: M1 (a second order model consisting of eight first order factors and three second order dimensions), and M2 (a second order model consisting of eight first order factors and four second order dimensions). Based on the theoretical framework, the study designed a learning happiness scale containing 87 items and conducted a preliminary measurement on 7,818 secondary school students. The two models were tested and compared through an exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that M2 was more desirable. It is confirmed that learning happiness of secondary school students involves pleasure consisting of interest and efficacy, hope consisting of stronger learning capacity, optimism and inquisitiveness, rapport consisting of positive relationships and immersion from a sense of freshness and fluency. After revising the learning happiness scale and deleting some items, the authors developed the final version of the 2015 scale of secondary school students' learning happiness, which consists of 58 items in four sub-scales to measure pleasure, hope, rapport and immersion. Further test of the psychometric properties showed the split-half reliability was 0.893; internal consistency was 0.929; the root mean square residual was 0.070 and the main fit indexes all reached 0.97. The overall psychometric test results showed considerable reliability and validity. The psychological measurement indicators showed that the scale was of good performance.

Key words: secondary school students, learning happiness, pleasure, hope, rapport, immersion

网址:中学生学习幸福感的测评研究 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/818451


