穿梭 · 智能生活体验馆UED项目

发布时间:2025-03-17 07:32

穿越小说体验时空穿梭的乐趣 #生活乐趣# #读书乐趣# #小说类型#

穿梭 · 智能生活体验馆,上海/平介设计

Shuttle·Smart Life Experience Hall, Shanghai / Parallect Design

所谓空间智能化并不是指有单一终端控制下的智能单品集合,而是利用综合布线、网络通信、 安全防范、自动控制、音视频等技术类别,将生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的管理系统工程,它是建立在自动化和信息化基础上的更高层级的控制方式,实现人与产品间更复杂多元化的沟通,从而提升使用的舒适度及人性化设计,面向未来,展现高科技的魅力,是可以满足私人定制、任意组合的一体化服务体系。

The so-called space intelligence does not refer to the collection of intelligent single products under the control of a single terminal. It refers to technology categories such as integrated wiring, network communication, security protection, automatic control, audio and video, which are to integrate life-related facilities and build efficient management system. It is a higher-level control method based on automation and information technology, which could achieve more complex and diversified communication between people and products, thereby improving the comfort of usage and user-friendly design, facing the future, and displaying the charm of high tech. It is an integrated service system that can meet private customization and any combination.

空间一览,overview of the interior space


The project is located on Gala Mall, Lujiazui, Shanghai. As an important part of the urban planning of Lujiazui Binjiang Financial City, the mall is surrounded by financial centre business districts. The store area is about 108 square meters. It is a smart home experience hall. Its brand provides high-tech humanized modern smart home products and smart control strategies.

智能家居形象墙,Brand wall


Based on the positioning of "smart life" and the fundamental demands of product exhibition, we propose the design concept of "module space", and use the "round corner module" as the basic carrier for experiencing the functional space, arranging the spatial blocks with unified form and different functions in a nested way to organize the linear space, so that the functional arrangement is clear and scientific.

弧角造型的功能单元模块,嵌套组合形成基本空间体系,Arc-angle-shaped functional modules, nested and combined to form a basic space system


The clear visit experience enables the product advantages to be showed efficiently. The soft curved edges, the orderly integration of the module space, and the unified application of material tones also echo the positions of "modular", "integration", "freestyle", "technology" and "the sense of future " which are pursued by the call for "smart life ".

从客厅模块到厨房模块,From living room module to kitchen module

在对空间进行功能性与人群使用习惯分析的基础上,我们模块化后的空间进行了重新组织:展示橱窗位于入口一侧,对外让出开阔的视觉界面, 对内则形成一部分相对私密空间,使得品牌形象区和会客区得以根据视线关系合理分布;陈列区展台满足产品展示需求的同时,贯彻弧度线条柔化边界,进行错位放置,一定程度上也起到限定空间、暗示空间动线的作用;对于"穿梭"的主体——体验区进行合理扩充,并且将视觉效果最佳的客厅排布在第一界面上,创造极具视觉冲击力的入口体验。

Based on the analysis of the functionality of the space and the usage habits of the crowd, our modularized space has been reorganized: the display window is located on the side of the entrance, giving out an open visual interface to the

网址:穿梭 · 智能生活体验馆UED项目 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/828145


穿梭 · 智能生活体验馆,上海 / 平介设计
已入职场 |大厂UED新人生存指南
华为智能生活馆正式开业 开启全场景智慧生活新体验
