零壹城市建筑事务所 – 有方

发布时间:2024-11-17 21:42

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杭州化纤厂旧址改造:修旧如旧,整旧如新 / 零壹城市建筑事务所

编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2021.03.25 18:58

南侧鸟瞰  摄影:吴清山

设计单位  零壹城市建筑事务所
项目地点  浙江杭州
项目时间  2020年
建筑面积  5,831平方米

Located in Blue Peacock Block, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, the renovation project’s planning, architecture, landscape, interior and soft decoration are both designed by LYCS Architecture. It contains two parts, the office and the city park.

东侧鸟瞰  摄影:吴清山

01 重生的契机

Gongshu district, located at the southernmost of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, is a traditional industrial zone of Hangzhou, with industrial enterprises such as Hangzhou steel factory, Hangzhou pot, Blue Peacock chemical fabric factory, etc. Blue Peacock Chemical Fibre Factory was one of the largest fiber enterprises in China at that time. Its products were exported to twelve countries and regions in Eurasia. In the 1990s, Gongshu District transitioned from industrial to urban life function. High-energy and high-emission enterprises in the region had been shut down and transferred one after another, and the original site of the Blue Peacock Chemical Fiber Factory had gradually been abandoned. Until 2018, Hangzhou Industrial Development Group joined hands with LYCS Architecture to launch the renovation project, which ushered in an opportunity to resurreate the old factory.

改造前的场地  供图:零壹城市

02 修旧如旧

There were five legacy buildings on the site, including four factories and one factory dormitory, which were built between the 1970s and 1990s. The building structure was mainly concrete frame structure and brick-mixed structure. The external facade was seriously eroded, and most of the doors and windows had been seriously damaged. people can still clearly feel the industrial atmosphere of the land through the mottled walls, rusty window frames and landmark roofs.

改造前的老厂房  供图:零壹城市

The legacy buildings were assessed by professional institutions and concluded that most of the foundation foundation met the reliability requirements of the existing national standards and was retained; the load-bearing structure was slightly lower than the reliability requirements of the current national standards, but can meet the requirements after reinforcement and repair. Most of the envelopes of the buildings were damp, unable to meet basic needs such as insulation, insulation and waterproofing, and need to be dismantled and rebuilt.

已无法满足使用功能的围护结构  供图:零壹城市

In the enclosure structure, arched roofs, old bricks and walls with the words "catching revolution and promoting production" were very landmark in the era. At the beginning of construction, these reserved elements were carefully peeled, retained and professionally processed from the building.

被保留的墙体和拱形屋顶  供图:零壹城市

Large floor windows were designed on the facade to meet the needs of indoor office space for light quality. The vertical window frame was equipped with simple lines. The bronze aluminum plate was in sharp contrast to the "old as old" wall, which embellished the exquisiteness of modern office buildings in the original rough wool left over from industry.

简约的现代窗框  摄影:吴清山

The design put new spatial elements into the old building to inject new vitality into the old factory. The corridor was placed between the three old factories to enhance the coherence of various functional spaces and met the spatial requirements of modern office. The material of the corridor was consistent with the window frame, and dark gray aluminum plates were used to coordinate the overall tone of the building.

连廊空间  摄影:吴清山

03 整旧如新

The new park was about to integrate into the modern city with a new role, the owners and designers hoped that in addition to bringing people the memories of the industrial era, more new elements would be placed in it to meet modern office needs and better integrate into the city. The "Little White Building" used to be the employee dormitory of the chemical fiber factory. As the carrier of the connection between the site and the city, the design strategy of “repair the old as the new” to realize the continuity of the city interface. The design of the facade was modified on the basis of retaining the original frame structure.

“小白楼”改造前后对比  供图:零壹城市

The façade design of the "Small White Building" respected the number of column mesh modulus of the original structure. Through the staggered window opening design, it made the building innervation and visually weakens the heavy sense caused by the original building scale. The hidden design of the open fan makd the lines of the facade simple and symmetrical, and the visual effects presented were cleaner. While meeting the lighting and ventilation needs of office space, it also improved the overall texture of the building.

“小白楼”北立面图  摄影:吴清山从连廊看向“小白楼”  摄影:吴清山

04 “box in box”

室内空间的设计与建筑设计同步展开,延续建筑“修旧如旧,整旧如新”的设计理念。设计采用一种“box in box”的方法:在原建筑框架结构(大box)内置入独立的各功能空间(小box),将现代化的办公场所置入老厂房。
The design of interior space was synchronized with architectural design, continuing the design concept of building "Repair the Old as the Old, Repair the Old as the New". The design adopted a "box in box" method: internalize independent functional spaces (small boxes) in the original architectural frame structure (large box) and placed modern office spaces into old factories.

概念:“box in box”  供图:零壹城市视线贯穿的会议室与接待区  摄影:吴清山

The arched roof of the old factory was designed to be installed back in its original position. The reinforced material of the indoor roof was made of transparent glass, so that the arched roofs exist indoors like "historic relics samples".

二楼交通空间  摄影:吴清山休闲讨论区  摄影:吴清山

As one of the box, the concrete structure of the office was completely exposed, and the retained old red brick forms a unique interface rhythm. Another adjacent space was composed of modern materials such as wood finish and copper-like stainless steel. Naturally divide office and leisure space through the strong contrast between new and old materials, and created a cross-time and space experience in the same space.

开敞办公区  摄影:吴清山员工餐厅  摄影:吴清山

05 “蓝孔雀”涅槃

The slogan of "catching revolution and promoting production" needed to be repositioned. The preserved old bricks of the factory had returned. The arched concrete roof of the original factory had been reloaded back to the roof. After two years of design and construction, the Blue Peacock Industrial Survival Park has been officially reopened. Beyond 50 years of time and space, historical imprints and modern life are intertwined. Blue Peacock Park gives back to the community in a brand-new way and integrates into the city.

新旧材料的对比  摄影:吴清山被保留的历史痕迹  摄影:吴清山东侧鸟瞰  摄影:吴清山

设计团队:阮昊、陈文彬、唐慧萍、张磊、张秋艳、沈双双、劳哲东、马广宇、邓皓、辛歆 、王一如


网址:零壹城市建筑事务所 – 有方 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/109233


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