利用闲暇时间听英语广播或播客 #生活技巧# #学习技巧# #英语口语提升#
Gather all the necessary supplies, such as fresh towels, toiletries and complimentary items like chocolates or water, and have your cleaning cart ready.
Review the list of rooms that need turndown service.
Before entering the room, knock on the door and announce yourself. Example: ‘Housekeeping, turndown service.’ Wait for any response from the guest before entering.
Turn on soft lighting and adjust the temperature to create a comfortable atmosphere. Turn off all other lights and close the curtains or blinds.
Flatten and straighten the bed cover. Fold the bed cover down to reveal the sheets and plump up the pillows.
Fold fresh towels and place them in the bathroom. Refill any toiletries that are running low.
Leave a chocolate, card, or another complimentary item on the pillow or bedside table.
Tidy up the room by aligning the furniture and removing any rubbish.
Step 7: Final check
Look around the room for a final check. Everything should be clean, fresh, and inviting.
进入房间之前,请敲门并宣布自己的身份。比如说: ‘清洁服务,整理服务。’在进入之前,等待客人的任何回应。
Part 2: 情景对话
Angel: (Knocks on the door) Good evening, room service.
Mr. Wilson: Yes, who is it?
Angel: Good evening, Mr. Wilson. My name is Angel, I’m here to provide the turn down service. May I come in now?
Mr. Wilson: Oh, sure. Please come in.
(Angel enters the room and starts the turndown service.)
Angel: Mr. Wilson, I will be refreshing your bed linens, fixing the items in the bathroom, and tidying up the room. If there’s anything else you need, just let me know, okay?
(Mr. Wilson nods and Angel starts to work. After a while, she finishes up and turns to talk to Mr. Wilson.)
Angel: All done, Mr. Wilson. Your room is all set.
Mr. Wilson: Thank you so much, Angel. Here is a tip for your service. (Hands out $10.)
Angel: Mr. Wilson, I truly appreciate your generosity. However, our hotel policy does not permit us to accept any tips. If you want to help me, it would be great if you could write a complimentary letter about my service and email it to the hotel. I would really appreciate that.
Mr. Wilson: Oh, ok, I didn’t know that. I will surely write that letter for you.
Angel: Thank you, Mr. Wilson. I hope you have a great evening.
Angel: (敲门)晚上好,房间服务。
Mr. Wilson: 是,谁啊?
Angel: 晚上好,Mr. Wilson, 我叫Angel,我现在来做夜床服务。请问我现在可以进来吗?
Mr. Wilson: 哦,好的。请进。
Angel: Mr. Wilson,我将为您更换床单,整理浴室物品,并收拾房间。如果您需要其他什么,请随时告诉我,好吗?
(Mr. Wilson点头,然后Angel开始工作。过一会儿,她完成工作后转向Mr. Wilson说话。)
Angel: 完成了,Mr. Wilson。您的房间已经准备好了。
Mr. Wilson: 非常感谢你,Angel。这是我给你的小费。(递出10美元。)
Angel: Mr. Wilson,我真心感激您的慷慨。但是,我们酒店的规定是不允许我们接受任何小费的。如果您想帮助我,写一封赞扬我的服务的信并通过电子邮件发送给酒店,我将非常感激。
Mr. Wilson: 哦,好的,我不知道这一点。我一定会为你写那封信的。
Angel: 谢谢您,Mr. Wilson。祝您有个愉快的夜晚。
Part 3: 基础词汇
单词 音标 中文意思 turndown /ˈtɜːrndaʊn/ 夜床服务 linens /ˈlaɪnənz/ 床单、床上用品 bathroom /ˈbæθrum/ 浴室、卫生间 tidy up /ˈtaɪdi ʌp/ 整理、收拾 service /ˈsɜːrvɪs/ 服务、招待 generous /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ 慷慨的、大方的 tip /tɪp/ 小费 policy /ˈpɒləsi/ 政策、规定 accept /əkˈsɛpt/ 接受 complimentary /ˌkɒmplɪˈmɛntəri/ 赞美的、赠送的 letter /ˈlɛtər/ 信件、函 email /ˈiːmeɪl/ 邮件、电子邮件 appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ 感激、赞赏 evening /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ 晚上、傍晚 refresh /rɪˈfrɛʃ/ 刷新、更新 fix /fɪks/ 修理、整理 set /sɛt/ 安置、摆放 help /hɛlp/ 帮助、援助 write /raɪt/ 写、书写 policy /ˈpɒləsi/ 政策、规定Part 4: 夜床服务 - 关键句型
What can I do for you? - 我能为您做些什么?
If you need anything, please let me know. - 如果您需要任何帮助,请告诉我。
Is there anything else I can assist you with? - 还有其他我可以帮助您的事吗?
Your room is ready now. - 您的房间已准备好了。
I appreciate your generosity, but we are not allowed to accept tips. - 我感激您的慷慨,但是我们不接受小费。
If you would like to share your appreciation, you can write a letter praising my service and send it to the hotel via email. - 如果您愿意表达感激之情,您可以写一封赞扬我服务的信件,并通过电子邮件发送给酒店。
Part 5: 课堂练习
What is Angel's job in the hotel?
a) Receptionist
b) Room attendant
c) Hotel manager
d) Bellman
What does Angel mention about the turndown service?
a) Refreshing the bed linens
b) Delivering room service meals
c) Assisting with check-out process
d) Providing transportation for guests
What does Angel suggest Mr. Wilson do instead of giving a tip?
a) Write a letter of complaint
b) Mention her service on social media
c) Pay with a credit card instead
d) Write a complimentary letter to the hotel
How does Mr. Wilson react to Angel's suggestion?
a) He refuses to write the letter.
b) He apologizes for not knowing the policy.
c) He insists on giving a tip regardless.
d) He asks for the hotel manager's contact information.
What is the purpose of this dialogue?
a) To inquire about room rates.
b) To request a wake-up call.
c) To apologize for a hotel error.
d) To discuss turndown service procedures and policies.
Answer: b) Room attendant
Answer: a) Refreshing the bed linens
Answer: d) Write a complimentary letter to the hotel
Answer: b) He apologizes for not knowing the policy
Answer: d) To discuss turndown service procedures and policies
互动话题 # 现在的夜床服务是否有点做得太过的了嫌疑?声明:文章内容由龚老师创作,转载请注明来源。
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