
发布时间:2024-11-21 16:09

研究现代设计趋势,应用于日常生活 #生活乐趣# #生活体验# #生活美学实践# #生活美学理论#


东华大学硕士论文 东华大学硕士论文 基于“升级利用”废旧服装再设计发展现状及趋势研究 万方数据 万方数据 级利用品牌实地走访,了解目前市场上的升级利用品牌具有的产品 特色及发展困境。同时,以服装从业者为中心进行对升级利用产 业、设计、品牌、消费群体等多方面问项的问卷调研,依靠人口统 计的结果来分析不同人群的意见,观察升级利用的服装从业者对此 概念的认知程度及未来产业发展的可能性。 最后参考调研的结果,通过用品牌库存、个人废旧服装来进行 升级利用服装设计的实验,实现升级利用服装操作的初步构想,探 求发展升级利用服装领域的方案,提供研究此领域的参考依据。 关键词: 升级利用(Up cycling), 环保,服装,废旧服装,再 设计 II A Study on the Development Status and Trend for Discarded Clothing Re-Design though UP-CYCLING ABSTRACT Currently, the ‘environmental protection’ concept is one of the most prominent concepts which have been heavily debated in the fashion industry. Also, for many businesses and consumers, the discarded clothing and waste disposal issue in the work and life didn’t just concentrate within the scope of the fashion industry, and this is the main problem that the international community and China are concerned about. At present, an independent design program has been developed at abroad in order to develop ‘up cycling’, which seems to have become the industry trend of a new brand identity. It not only is the research and experiment that the reality has conducted of the ‘environmental protection’ concept, but also is a kind of means that changed theory into practice. The most representative of recycling in the field of environmental protection is that the nature of the product itself has been directly re-used and re-utilized, while up cycling refers to that the re-cyclable products are creatively transformed with the aesthetic purposes in accordance with the design so as to create the products with a higher value. Up cycling fashion belongs to a wide range of recycled clothing. And it is a particular design and may be referred to as a resource and the ‘eco-friendly re-design’ which both equals to and ‘maximizes’ the value of waste. Under this view, up cycling often appears in the form of newly environmental protection clothing in the fashion industry. It has an equivalent research value with the sustainable fashion. Meanwhile, it has a positive significan

网址:基于“升级利用”废旧服装再设计发展现状及趋势研究 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/175982


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