
发布时间:2024-11-25 14:53

使用PDF报销软件如Zoho Expense的便利性 #生活技巧# #财务管理技巧# #财务软件#


生活便利 一、租房子 (一)文化背景 Renting an apartment in the U.S. is not quite as simple as handing over the rent money each month. Before you rent an apartment the apartment manager will check your credit history. That means that they will make sure that you havent defaulted on your debts in the past. They do this to make sure that you can pay the rent each month. Also, most apartments will require tenants to sign a one-year or six-month lease. This means that you agree to live in that apartment for at least a full year or six months. However, you still pay the rent month by month. 在 美国,租房可并不是 每月只须交钱那么简单。在租公寓 前,公寓经理会检查你的信用记 录,以确定你以前确实没有过不良 记录,同时也确认你有能力付清每 个月的房租。此外,许多公寓要求 租赁者签一个一年或者六个月的租 约。这就意味着你同意在那间公寓 至少住上一年或者六个月。不过, 房租还是月付的。 1 生活便利 (二)单词习语 1. default v. 疏怠职责, 拖 着……参观 欠 Nathan带领他参观。 他们想确定你以前确实没有拖欠债 Nathan shows him around. 款。 6. rent n. 租金 They will make sure that you 房租是多少? havent defaulted on your How much is the rent? debts in the past. 7. far-fetched adj. 不可能 2. lease n. 租期, 延续的一 的 段时间 你不觉得这价钱贵了一点儿吗? 而且,许多公寓要求租赁者签一年 Dont you think that price is 或者半年的租约。 a little far-fetched? Also, most apartments will re- quire tenants to sign a one- year or six-month lease. 3. save vt. 节省, 储蓄 James决定省钱。 James decides to save money. 4. appointment n. 约会, 指 定 于是他就打电话预约。 So he calls to make an ap- pointment. 5. show ... around 带

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