
发布时间:2024-12-08 05:36

学术研究咨询涉及教育学理论与实践的研究方法和进展 #生活百科# #教育咨询#

本科生毕业论文(设计) 公共轮滑选修课教学现状及对策研究 姓 名: 吴雷 指导教师: 杨中民 院 系: 黄山学院体育系 专 业: 社会体育 提交日期: 2010年5月1号 轮滑选修课教学现状及对策研究 吴雷 指导老师:杨中民(讲师) (黄山学院体育系,黄山,安徽 245041) 摘 要:轮滑作为相对新兴的体育项目,又是一项集休闲、娱乐、健身多种功能于一身的体育运动。其特有的运动特点和锻炼效果,符合当代大学生的心理及生理特点,深受广大高校大学生的喜爱。为使轮滑运动在我校中更好更快的开展,我校开设轮滑课项目。本文运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法收集了大量的相关资料,并采用数理统计法、逻辑分析法,从我校轮滑教学现状,大学生对轮滑运动的认知情况、活动内容、地点、方式等特点,以及大学生获得轮滑知识、技能、身心感受、影响大学生参与轮滑运动的因素等方面进行研究。通过这些工作,达到了解我校轮滑课开展现状,并根据存在的问题,提出相关对策,为今后轮滑教学在我校广泛的开展奠定基础。 关键词:轮滑教学;现状;对策研究 Roller Situation and Countermeasures of Elective Courses Lei WU Supervisor: YANG Zhongmin (Lecturer) (Physical Education Department of Huang Shan University, Huang Shan, An Hui 245041) Abstract: skating as a relatively new sport, it is a leisure, entertainment, fitness function in a variety of sports. Its unique characteristics and training effects of exercise, consistent with contemporary psychological and physiological characteristics of college students, popular among college students love. To make skating better and faster in my school in the launching of the project of opening our school roller skating. This use of literature, interviews, questionnaires to collect a lot of relevant information, using mathematical statistics, logical analysis, from my school Roller Skating, Roller Skating college students cognition, activities, location, mode characteristics,And university students access to skating knowledge, skills, physical and psychological feelings, affect students the factors involved in skating for study. Through these efforts to achieve understanding of carrying out our school roller skating situation, existing problems and puts forward countermeasures for future skating instruction carried out in our school wide basis. Key words: Roller Skate teaching; present situation;the study of countermeasures 目 录 中文摘要………………………………………………………………………………1 外文摘要………………………………………………………………………………2 前言……………………………………………………………………………………4 1文献综述……………………………

网址:体育论文=公共轮滑选修课教学现状及对策研究.doc https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/409381


体育论文=大学生课外体育锻炼现状与对策研究.doc 全文免费在线看
体育论文=大学体育网球教学的对策研究.doc 全文免费在线看
