我国建筑节能服务市场发展问题研究 精品

发布时间:2024-12-25 08:35

研究城市老龄化问题,探讨如何优化城市养老服务体系。 #生活乐趣# #生活分享# #城市生活观察# #城市生活方式研究#

我国建筑节能服务市场发展问题研究摘要建筑节能服务目前在我国还是一个新兴的行业, 是指建筑节能服务提供者为业主的建筑采暖、空调、照明、电气等用能设施提供检测、设计、融资、改造、运行、管理的节能活动。随着国家对能源的重视程度不断提高,建筑节能服务市场需求必将快速增长。本文调查了我国建筑用能的现状和发展趋势, 指出了建筑节能的必要性和重要性。分析了目前节能服务市场的现状, 对现阶段建筑节能服务的概念和特点进行了总结和归纳。对比国外的建筑节能发展状况, 分析了我国建筑节能服务市场的状况及存在的问题。通过建立建筑节能服务市场模型,对市场各利益团体的现状进行了分析。本文对建筑节能服务提供者——能源服务公司进行了重点的分析, 对其运作机制( 合同能源管理) 的发展进行了详尽的描述。合同能源管理( EMC )在我国是一种全新的运作机制,目前国内还没有太多可供参考的资料。本文作者在该行业内实际的工作当中, 通过学习先进国家的相关经验,指出我国合同能源管理发展存在的问题,并探讨了相应的运作策略。本文丰富了我国建筑节能服务市场理论研究的内容,对促进该新兴行业在国内的健康发展起到了一定的参考作用。关键词: 建筑节能,节能服务,合同能源管理,市场,研究 MARKETING RESEARCH ON BUILDING ENERGY SAVING SERVICE IN CHINA ABSTRACT Building Energy Saving Service (BESS) isa new industry in China. It ismeans that panies who afford BESS may help the owner of the building tosave the energy of building equipment systems, such as heating and cooling, lighting,electric, etc., by the services of examining, designing, financing, rebuilding, running,management, and so on. As the whole country attaching more importance to theenergy sources, the market of BESS must increase rapidly. The thesis investigated the actuality and tendency of the building energyconsuming in China, and pointed out the importance and necessary of buildingenergy saving. It analyzed the status of the market of BESS, and summarized theconception and characteristics of BESS in nowadays. By contrasting with developed country, the thesis analyzed the status and problems of the BESS market in our country. For explaining the benefit relations of each party in the BESS market, the author established a model of building energy saving service market. As an important portion, the thesis investigated the ESCO, who affords the energy saving services. The author analyzed the development of EMC of EMC is too fresh in China, there are no more data that can be used for reference. In the practical work for ESCO, the author studied the advanced experience from the developed countries. Through the contrast, he brought forward the problems in the developmen

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网址:我国建筑节能服务市场发展问题研究 精品 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/560662


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