
发布时间:2025-03-13 07:12

利用技术分析和基本面分析相结合的方法 #生活技巧# #理财规划技巧# #股票分析#

摘要: 利用傅立叶变换红外光谱研究了次氯酸钠、过氧化氢和紫外线对革兰氏阴性大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和革兰氏阳性海氏肠球菌(Enterococcus hirae)的生物学效应。结果表明:细菌失活和光谱变化之间存在显著的相关性,而且不同消毒剂和细菌引起的效果曲线也明显不同。革兰氏阴性菌比革兰氏阳性菌更容易受消毒剂的影响。NaClO对膜透性、蛋白质和脂类氧化的生物效应最为显著,其次是H2O2光解产生的HO ·自由基的氧化效应,最后是紫外辐射对DNA的损伤作用。研究结果为了解消毒过程的生物效应提供了新的见解,并为优化消毒过程、确保水安全提供了科学依据。

Abstract: The biological effects of NaClO, H2O2 or UV towards gram-negative Escherichia coli and gram-positive Enterococcus hirae were investigated by using FTIR microspectroscopy. The results show significant correlations between bacterial inactivation and spectral alterations, and also distinctly different effects profiles induced by the different disinfectants and bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria were more vulnerable to disinfection than gram-positive bacteria. The most significant biological effects on membrane permeability and oxidation of proteins and lipids were observed for NaClO, followed by the oxidation effects of HO · radicals generated with photolysis-of H2O2, and lastly through DNA damage by UV radiation. The findings provide new insights into the biological effects of disinfection processes, and a scientific basis for optimization to ensure the water safety.

图  1   NaClO、H2O2和UV对E.coli和E.hirae的暴露剂量-对数杀灭关系

Figure  1.   The antimicrobial activity of NaClO, H2O2 and UV on E.coli and E.hirae

图  2   不同剂量消毒剂处理E.coli的红外光谱分析

Figure  2.   The analysis of FTIR spectra from E.coli treated with increasing doses of disinfectants

图  3   不同剂量消毒剂处理的E.hirae的红外光谱分析

Figure  3.   The analysis of FTIR spectra from E.hirae treated with increasing doses of disinfectants

图  4   E.coli和E.hirae 2-log灭活状态下的红外光谱PCA-LDA得分图和聚类向量图

Figure  4.   The PCA-LDA scores plots and cluster vectors of FTIR spectra obtained from E.coli and E.hirae at the 2-log inactivation

图  5   消毒能力与生物变化的回归分析

Figure  5.   The correlation analysis between the disinfection capacity and the biological alterations

表  1   不同剂量消毒剂处理的E.coli和E.hirae的前5个峰的峰指认

Table  1   The peak assignments for the top five peaks from the loadings plots for E.coli and E.hirae treated with different doses of disinfectants

消毒剂 E.coli E.hirae 波长/cm-1 特征峰识别 波长/cm-1 特征峰识别 NaClO 1 543 酰胺II 1 624 酰胺I NaClO 1 624 酰胺I 1 061 C—C骨架 NaClO 1 030 C—O伸缩振动 995 RNA NaClO 1 084 对称磷酸伸缩振动 1 161 C—OH伸缩振动 NaClO 1 747 脂质 1 658 酰胺I H2O2 1 543 酰胺II 999 糖原 H2O2 1 608 酰胺I 1 624 酰胺I H2O2 1 670 酰胺I 1 246 非对称磷酸伸缩振动 H2O2 1 724 脂质 1 064 C—O伸缩振动 H2O2 1 018 糖原 1 523 酰胺II UV 1 651 酰胺I 1 662 酰胺I UV 987 蛋白质磷酸化 1 701 脂质 UV 1 597 酰胺I 1 520 酰胺II UV 1 107 糖原 1 215 非对称磷酸伸缩振动 UV 1 230 非对称磷酸伸缩振动 1 030 糖原 [1]

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网址:基于生物光谱技术结合多元统计分析的消毒效果快速评价方法 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/821715


